Creamy pumpkin soup

Creamy pumpkin soup or as they say in Italian vellutata di zucca is sooo good. Creamy, delicate, slightly sweet with the addition of spices this soup is an ultimate comfort food.

prep time 20 min     cook time 35 min
ingredients for 4
  • 1 kg pumpkin
  • 1 large potato
  • 1 l vegetable broth
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons extra vergin olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • dash of cinnamon
  • dash of nutmeg
  • fresh thyme to garnish
  • 50 g pancetta or baconstrips or cubes
  • a few slices of toasted/grilled rustic bread

1. Clean, deseed and cut the pumpkin into relatively small cubes. Peel and cut into cubes also the potato.

2. Warm the oil in a soup pot over medium-high heat and add chopped onion. Let cook until soft, about 5-6 minutes over medium heat. Don’t let it burn. Add pumpkin and potato and as much broth needed to cover the vegetables. Adjust salt and pepper.

3. Let simmer on low for about 25-30 min checking from time to time and adding broth. When the vegetables are cooked, blend the soup with immersion blender until smooth and creamy. Add a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg and mix. Ladle the soup into bowls.

4. Fry the pancetta strips and add them with some fresh thyme and grilled bread to your bowl.

FOR VEGETARIAN ALTERNATIVE: leave out the pancetta

FOR GLUTEN FREE ALTERNATIVE: leave out the bread or use appropriate bread


Pomegranate snack

Pomegranate seeds get their vibrant red hue from polyphenols. These chemicals are powerful antioxidants. Pomegranate juice contains higher levels of antioxidants than most other fruit juices. The antioxidants in pomegranate juice can help remove free radicals, protect cells from damage, and reduce inflammation. Pomegranate seeds are also full of vitamin C and vitamin K.

The skin of the pomegranate is thick and inedible, but there are hundreds of edible seeds called arils within. The arils are what people eat — either raw or processed into pomegranate juice.

Here are step-by-step photo instructions to deseed a pomegranate.


Wear an apron! Pomegranate drops get everywhere so be aware of that. Discard all the white pith. Eat the arils as is, mixed in oatmeal, yogurt, granola or salads or juice it. They keep covered in fridge for 5-6 days.

snack for 1     mix in a bowl
  • 125 g plain Greek yogurt
  • 30 g granola or muesli
  • 1/2 banana sliced
  • 5-6 tablespoons pomegranate seeds
  • 2-3 tablespoons mixed nuts and seeds


Pumpkin, sausage and mushroom risotto

Pumpkin risotto is one of the many variations on the classic Italian slow-cooked rice dish, which is made with a type of rice that releases some of its starch into the cooking liquid, creating its own sauce. In order for this risotto, or any risotto for that matter, to cook, you must use short, roundish and chubby grains of rice with copious amounts of starch.  Carnaroli or  vialone nano are the best options, arborio will do if you can’t find the first two. Stirring is key, so be prepared to stand and stir, looking, smelling, and tasting — you can’t do anything else at the same time.

prep time 15 min     cook time 40 min
ingredients for 4
  • 360 g carnaroli rice
  • 1,5 l vegetable broth
  • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 400 g pumpkin, cubed
  • 300 g sausage
  • 300 g mushrooms (button or portobello)
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 glass of dry white wine
  • 2 knobs butter, cold
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 bayleaf
  • handful of grated Parmesan cheese

1. Bring the broth to a boil and reduce the heat to steady simmer.

2. Clean the pumpkin and cut into fairly big cubes. Wipe the mushrooms and slice them. Remove casings from sausages and crumble them. Chop the onion.

3. Heat the oil in a large sauce pan over medium heat and add onion. After a few minutes add crumbled sausages, stir and keep cooking for 5 minutes. Add pumpkin and mushrooms, stir to coat and keep cooking for another 3-5 minutes. Add the bayleaf.

4. Add the rice and stir until the grains are coated in fat and become translucent. Do not let them brown. Add the wine and stir constantly until it is absorbed and the alcohol has evaporated. The grains must be heated through before you add the wine – “it should sizzle as it hits the pan”.

5. Start ladling broth on top and keep adding 1-2 ladles at a time stirring constantly after each addition and adding the next amount only after the previous one is fully absorbed by the rice.

6. Taste the rice. You are looking for al dente, with the grains just a bit toothsome (a little resistant to the bite) but cooked — not hard or powdery. Check the salt.

7. When the rice is done, which might take up to 30 minutes, turn off the heat. Add the butter and the cheese and cover, let rest for 2 minutes. Uncover and stir quickly. This is called mantecatura.

8. Serve immediately. Risotto is not a make-ahead dish. Even if you finish it 15 minutes before serving and simply allow it to sit, risotto turns into a paste.


Chicken strips with broccoli rabe

I love this for a quick and healthy lunch. Broccoli rabe might not be everyone’s choice since it is a little bit bitter but I like it a lot. You can replace it with chicory greens, also somewhat bitter or spinach.

Prep time  5 min + blanching time      Cook time  15-20 min
  • 300 g of chicken breast
  • 400-500g of broccoli rabe
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 4-5 tbls extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • peperoncino or crushed red pepper

1. Trim and rinse the broccoli rabe and blanche it max 5 min in boiling salted water. This can be done in advance. Also if the broccoli is very young and tender, there’s no need to blanche it.

2. Cut the chicken breast into strips. Heat 2 tbls of oil in a large skillet and fry the strips on high heat for a few minutes on both sides. Put them on a plate.

3. Heat 2 tbls of olive oil in the same skillet, add the garlic cloves whole or cut in halves, add a few peperoncino seeds and some skin and let cook until the garlic starts to brown.

4. Add the blanched greens in two or three handfuls tossing to coat. Cook for 8-10 minutes, add the strips with their juices from the plate and cook for another 5 minutes. Check that the meat is cooked through.


Oatmeal for breakfast

I try to eat oatmeal for breakfast once or twice a week. This healthy version with strawberries and all kinds of goodies is my favorite. Oatmeal is the perfect way to start your day with a metabolism boosting meal, and as an added bonus it keeps you full for hours and reduces mid-morning snacking.

prep time 5 min     cook time 10 min
ingredients for 1
  • 35g or 1dl old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 2,5dl or 1 cup of water
  • a dash of milk
  • 100 g fresh or frozen strawberries
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 2-3 tablespoons seeds and crumbled nuts
  • cinnamon to sprinkle

1. Prepare the night before the water in the pot, let frozen strawberries thaw in another pot and put chia seeds in water or milk to absorb liquid and become gelatinous – never eat them dry. You can do all this in the morning, but I prefer to do it the night before.

2. Make the oatmeal according to the instructions, boil the water, add a pinch of salt, add the oats and let simmer at low for 6-7 minutes. After that I add a dash of milk and let simmer for an additional minute or two. This gives you a creamy porridge. You can alo use any vegetable milk.

3. Blend the strawberries with an immersion blender and heat for a minute if you prefer. Add to plate. I add the chia seed gel to the strawberries.

4. Mix the cooked creamy oatmeal to your plate, add seeds, crumbled nuts of your choice and sprinkle cinnamon on top.


Chicken soup with barley

A flavorful and healthy option for soup lovers. This  chicken soup with barley is very filling and can be served as a hearty main dish.

Prep time 35 min     cook time   1h
ingredients for 5-6
  • 1,2-1,5 kg chicken cut up in pieces
  • 1,5 l water or chicken stock
  • 2 carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 1 celery stalk, chopped
  • 1 onion, peeled and chopped
  • 180-200 g barley or a mix of rice and barley
  • 2 tomatoes, diced
  • 1 bay leaf
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon curry powder

1. In a large pot cook chicken in water until tender about 35 minutes. I usually add a teaspoon or two of salt at this point. Set chicken aside until cool enough to handle. Remove meat from bones using a fork.

2. If you prefer you can skim off some fat from the pot before returning the chicken to it with the remaining ingredients. Check the cooking time for barley.

3. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat. Cover and let simmer 1 hour or until the vegetables are tender and barley is cooked. Adjust seasoning.


Red cabbage and orange salad

This salad combines the crunchy texture of the cabbage and the sweet flavor of oranges for a delicious side dish. It’s quick and healthy and oh so pretty.

prep time 10 min
ingredients for 2
  • a very small red cabbage or half of a bigger one
  • 1 orange
  • a handful of cashews
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • salt

1. Discard the outer leaves of the cabbage,  cut in half and take out the hard core. Slice into thin slices either with a knife or a mandolin.

2. Peel the orange taking off all the pith. Then either cut into segments or slice into rounds. Note that the juices tend to run so place your salad dish underneath.

3. Whisk together the olive oil, balsamic vinegar and salt. Toss  through the salad and add the cashews.


Spaghetti with tuna, olives and tomatoes

There are many ways to prepare pasta with tuna, in tomato sauce or pasta con tonno in bianco which means no tomatoes or tomato sauce, just olive oil. This version is with fresh tomatoes. It’s ideal if you want a quick but satisfactory pasta meal without a heavy creamy condiment.

Prep time  5 min     Cook time  15 min
  • 320 g spaghetti
  • 240 g of tuna packed in oil or water
  • 10-12 cherry tomatoes or 8 plum tomatoes
  • 10-12 olives
  • 1-2 tablespoons of capers
  • 2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • salt
  • parsley

1.  Cook the pasta according to the package instructtions. Save a glass of the pasta water.

2. Meanwhile warm the oil in a medium size skillet over medium high heat with the garlic cloves. Add the drained tuna, stir to coat and sprinkle with  1/4 teaspoon of salt. Let cook for about 5 minutes.

3. Add the halved tomatoes, olives (pitted if you prefer, I usually leave them whole) and capers. Let cook for another 5 minutes.

4. Drain the pasta 1 minute before it’s cooked al dente and pour it in the skillet, stir to coat and add a little bit of the pasta water that you have previously saved and finish cooking. Sprinkle with parsley. I added the parsley after I took the photo.


Apple crumble

Cinnamon laced baked apples are a must in fall and winter. Try them with this crunchy and nutty topping to make a perfect dessert. Serve it warm with vanilla ice cream and you are in heaven!

prep time  15 min     cook time 35-40 min

ingredients for 6-8
  • 1 kg (2.2lbs) apples, I used Granny Smith and Annurca Apples*
  • 30g (1oz) granulated sugar**
  • cinnamon to sprinkle
  • 1/2 dl (1/8cup) water
  • 70g (2.5oz) white or wholemeal flour
  • 70g (2.5oz) rolled oats
  • 50g (1.75oz) brown sugar
  • 150g (5.3oz) of roughly chopped walnuts***
  • 50g (1.75oz) sunflower seeds
  • 100g (3.5oz) butter
  • scoops of vanilla ice cream

1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F

2. Peel, halve, core and cut the apples into chunks.

3. Place the apples in a slightly buttered 20 cm x 20 cm (8″x8″) glass baking dish and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon (I put A LOT of cinnamon). Add 1/2 dl of water.

4. Put the dry crumble ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well. Chop the butter into small cubes and add these to the bowl. Mix and rub in with your fingertips until the mixture has formed small clumps.

5. Cover the fruit with this crumble mixture.

6. Bake for 35-40 min until golden and crisp.

7. Spoon warm crumble into bowls and serve with vanilla ice cream.

*Annurca Apples are grown in Campania region. They have a smooth, waxy, thick greenish-yellow skin ripening to streaked red, with russetting around the stem area. Inside, they have firm, crispy, white juicy flesh. They have a very good flavour that is neither overly sweet nor sharp. Having said that, I would go with any cooking apples or winter apples for this dessert.

** I found a world of sugars ploughing through apple crumble recipes. While I understand that not all sugars are created equal and that different types have very specific uses, I honestly don’t think that substituting granulated sugar for caster sugar or brown  sugar for light muscovado sugar will make such a huge difference in a home baked apple crumble. I also used considerably less sugar compared to many recipes found on the internet because I just don’t care for overly sweet.

*** I used a mix of walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds


Coconut curry soup

Let’s warm up with this creamy, hearty and healthy soup. The sweetness of the coconut perfectly compliments the curry and other spices.

prep time min 10 min     cook time 30-40 min
ingredients for 4-5
  • 1 can (400ml/14 oz) coconut cream
  • 1 can (400ml/14oz) chickpeas
  • 5 carrots, cut to rounds
  • 2 zucchini, sliced or diced
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  • 1-2 tablespoons green curry paste
  • curry
  • turmeric
  • salt and pepper

to garnish

  • 2 avocados
  • handful of sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds
  • parsley or cilantro

1. Sauté the chopped onion and the garlic cloves for a few minutes in a large pot. Add ginger, spices and green curry paste and turn to coat.

2. Toss in the carrot rounds and zucchini slices, the size doesn’t matter since they will be blended.

3. Add the coconut cream, rinsed chickpeas and a can of water. All the veggies should be covered. Add also 1-2 teaspoons of salt.

4. Let simmer on low for about 30 min until the veggies are done. Blend with an immersion blender. Check the salt.

5. Ladle into large bowls and garnish with avocado slices, parsley (or cilantro) and seeds. I am one of those people who find the taste of cilantro to be soapy so I never use it.