Mascarpone mousse

Delicious and super fast dessert which makes it one of my favorite. It’s an all year round dessert which makes it even better.

Prep time  15 min + 2-3 hrs to refrigerate
  • 500g mascarpone
  • 200 g whipped cream
  • 4 yolks
  • 70g powdered sugar

to garnish

  • 2 cookies
  • grated dark chocolate
  • almond slices and/or grated white chocolate

1. Whip the cream and set aside.

2. Blend the yolks with the powered sugar until smooth and creamy. Stir in the mascarpone gently.

3. Fold in the whipped cream and divide into 6 bowls.

4. Garnish with cookies, grated chocolate and almond slices.

5. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours.


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