Spaghetti alla puttanesca

There are almost as many explanations for the origins of pasta puttanesca as there are ways to make it. Ostensibly a sauce invented and made by prostitutes, it was designed to lure customers with its powerful aroma. Whatever the stories, pasta puttanesca is a wonderful and easy dish to make. You only need a few basic ingredients.

prep time 10 min     cook time 20 min
ingredients for 4
  • 350 g spaghetti
  • 500 g ripe tomatoes for sauce or 1 can (400 g) peeled tomatoes
  • 100 g Gaeta olives or taggiasche (Ligurian olives), pitted
  • a handful of capers
  • 8 anchovy fillets, drained and chopped
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • peperoncino
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • parsley

1. If using fresh tomatoes place a pot of water on the stove and bring it to a boil. Then drop the tomato into the boiling water. You can add several at a time. Remove them after 30 seconds or when the skin begins to peel and put them into the bowl of ice water.


2. Heat olive oil (don’t be stingy ;)) in a large skillet. Add crushed garlic and let cook for a few minutes. You can also use whole garlic and take it out after a few minutes.

3. Stir in anchovies, peperoncino flakes and seeds, olives and capers. Let simmer for a few minutes.

4. Drain tomatoes and crush with fork or hands. Add to skillet, with some salt. Raise heat to medium-high and cook, stirring occasionally, until tomatoes break down and mixture becomes saucy, about 10-15 minutes. Add chopped parsley.

5. While the sauce is simmering, cook the spaghetti according to the package instructions.

6. Drain the pasta and toss it with the sauce. Serve immediately.


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