Stir fried yellow bell peppers

Peperoni alla Nonna is one of the all time favourites in our home. The recipe is from my late mother-in-law hence the name Grandma’s peppers. Super easy to make and can be used as an appetizer or a side dish.

prep time 10 min     cook time 20 min
ingredients for 4
  • 3-4 yellow bell peppers
  • 4-5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • handful of Gaeta olives
  • salt
  • 4-5 tablespoons grated Parmesan

1. Cut peppers into strips and pat them dry.

2. In a large skillet heat the olive oil. Start frying your peppers in batches. Do not crowd the skillet. You may find a splash guard useful at this time.

3. After 4-5 minutes on high heat, turn the heat to medium and turn the strips. Season with salt. The peppers need to start turning brown.

4. Keep cooking until peppers are soft, about 8-10 minutes.

5. Move the first batch onto a plate and repeat with the others.

6. When done, put all the peppers in the skillet once more and add the olives, pitted if you want. Now add the “secret” ingredient which is the grated Parmesan. Stir to coat and turn off the heat after 1-2 min.

7. Serve warm or cold.