Tuna potato salad

I love potatoes, well I should since I am a Finn! This tuna potato salad is perfect for these sunny summer days. It is easy to make in advance, great for a main course or as a side dish if you have planned a big lunch. Easy to make and bring to a party too.

prep time 15 min
ingredients for 6
  • 1 kg potatoes, boiled in advanced with skin on
  • 160-180g of tuna
  • 3 hard boiled eggs
  • 3-4 tablespoons capers
  • 4-5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 4-5 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • fresh loose leaf parsley and thyme to garnish
  • salt and pepper

optional add-ons:

  • artichoke hearts in oil/vinegar
  • pickled cucumbers
  • sweet corn
  • boiled green beans
  • cannellini beans
  • cucumbers
  • olives

1. Peel and cut cold potatoes into cubes and start adding them to a large mixing/salad bowl. I make this salad in layers.

2. Season with salt and pepper to taste and a few tablespoons of olive oil and a few tablespoons of white wine vinegar. Red wine vinegar tends to colour the potatoes.

3. Add the tuna, broken into smallish bits, the capers and one or more of the optional ingredients if using. This time I used artichoke hearts, cannellini beans and a few leftover mini pickled cucumbers.

4. Add another layer of the ingredients and season each layer with salt, pepper, olive oil and vinegar to your taste and keep layering until you are finished with the ingredients.

5. Garnish with hard boiled eggs, cut into wedges and sprinkle with chopped parsley and thyme. Let rest in the fridge for 30 minutes and then serve at room temperature.

tip: I don’t toss the salad in order not to break up the potato pieces.

tip: As for any potato salad, make sure to use yellow-fleshed waxy potatoes, not the ‘mealy’ kind you would use for gnocchi or baked potatoes. So new potatoes, Red Bliss and Yukon Golds are all good choices, while Russets are not.